Thursday 16 April 2015

The Problem With GTA V on PC

There’s a serious problem with GTA V on the PC. One overreaching grave issue with the release on GTA V on the PC that can seriously effect you, the player. And it’s not what you think. GTA V has now been released thrice upon us, and there are even people that have purchase it three separate times. And you know what? It’s still fantastic even though it’s basically the same game released three times over. But that problem? It’s limitless.

GTA V presents us with limitless opportunities to interact with a virtual world in nearly any way we want.

It’s that endless possibility of being able to do whatever you want in GTA V that’s a serious problem. What do you want to do today? Go steal a Ford GT lookalike and pick up some hookers? Spend your days  playing tennis and your nights fighting crime dressed up as your own phobic mammal? The world is yours, and that’s the problem. There are so many things to do aside from the missions presented that it can be a bit overwhelming. And no, it’s not really a problem, not at all.
The PC release adds a host of new goodies, and I’m not just talking about the graphics either. First person mode is finally far more usable now that mouse and keyboard support are available, the increased population density making it more like the real Los Angeles (though the traffic is never as horrific in-game), and of course the inclusion of the ground-breaking video editor. You can make your own very professional looking movies. Inside a video game. This is a huge expansion on the previous video editor in GTA IV. Already we can see some fantastically funny movies popping up all over Internet. Hey you, yeah you, wanna be in a movie??
And those graphics? I never knew that Rockstar’s in-house RAGE engine could be so great. I always thought that the PS3 and PS4 versions were stuttering messes that seemed to like to show off some great slideshows of something that resembled Los Angeles featuring a couple guys doing funny stuff. They just didn’t play right to me. The controller latency combined with the low frame rates detracted from the fun. But on the PC? Well now, now this is how it’s done. Rockstar has one of the greatest looking PC games ever on their hands. It breaks records in how gorgeous it can be, and it can do so on relatively low hardware. Perhaps that’s the result of doing a port right from the get go.
You’ll be able to crank up the visuals fairly high before seeing less than stellar performance, and even on lower settings it looks fabulous. Did I mention that this game is graphically magnificent?
Los Santos never looked better, and there have never been so many great opportunities for mayhem. You can do whatever you want, after the initial few missions, of course. But those opportunities are just about limitless and in a world that’s so incredibly vast. Quite honestly I’ve been enjoying just driving around the intricately recreated Los Angeles following the laws and even taking a car off-road when it probably shouldn’t. It’s oddly fun, and if I want to, I can break that up by running over or shooting some strange passerby.

But mostly I just stick to the laws, because the city of Los Santos is a living masterpiece. It’s alive, every part of it. And most of it is interactive in some shape or form. Each and every individual in the game seems to have their own story and you can hear tidbits about their day as you pass by, making it a very deeply rendered game. It’s not a game, it’s an entire separate world. Crucially, the PC allows for a far larger and more expansive experience, but instead they’ve upped the fidelity by a few orders of magnitude.
But you already know that, don’t you, you GTA V fans. The real draw is in the online mode, whether you’re competing with others in fun fan made arenas of competition or just running around enjoying the sites. Working with your friends in GTA Online is here, and it’s better than ever.

Negatives? But but…

Well, the only negative I can think of really is the fact that this is now the third time this game has been released. And there is no new content per-se, just enhancements and some obviously gorgeous graphics. But the fact does remain that they’ve released the same (or arguably very similar) game three times. Overall it’s a fantastic game that offers a wealth of things to do that rivals even real life, but that doesn’t excuse the money grab by releasing it three separate times. It’s a little silly, though I’m guilty of playing it on PS4 and PC. Oops.
Other negatives don’t really exist and all come down to preference and opinion. Obviously there is always controversy surrounding GTA, it’s content and the manner in which you interact with the world. But seriously, if you don’t like the whimsical violence, then just don’t play it.


Even though you may be buying this for the third time, you won’t be disappointed. The variety that’s inherent in this open world game is truly great, and you likely won’t get bored too easily. And if you do? Just head on over to GTA V Online mode to enjoy competing with your friends, or wreaking havoc on the surrounding city. If you enjoy this sort of game, then you will not be disappointed.
So what’s that problem again? That it’s so incredibly fun and engaging that you might end up dehydrating yourself. It’s limitless.

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