Thursday 16 April 2015

Crytek’s “Back To Dinosaur Island” VR Demo Direct Feed Full Length Video Looks Ridiculously Amazing

Crytek’s Back to Dinosaur Island VR Demo used in their Oculus Rift demonstration at GDC 2015 has been made available. and it looks absolutely incredible. The tech demo uses the latest version of the CryEngine and the amount of detail found in both the environment as well as the dinosaur models is simply breathtaking.
Back to Dinosaur Island (1)
You can view the video below.

Crytek producer Fatih Özbayram described the contents of the demo via Twitter:
“Our demo has a variety of interactions. One of them is the interaction with a Hollywood feel T-Rex which mimics your head movements. The narrative [of] our demo is you being a baby dinosaur sitting in the middle of a nest of other dinosaur babies about to hatch. We’ve chosen dinosaurs as we wanted to nod to the origins of Crytek.”

A Game using Back to Dinosaur Island’s assets would be amazing

We can only imagine how a game would look if Crytek ever decided to use these assets to create a title with a prehistoric setting. Exploring an environment like that and encountering these majestic creatures would be absolutely breathtaking.
We will bring you any news on Crytek and any future CryEngine projects as soon as they become available.

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