Monday 9 May 2016

Battlefield 1 Gets More Gameplay Details, Air Combat Options, Huge Map, New Melee System Revealed

Following some early leaks which suggested that the new entry of the Battlefield series was going feature a World War I setting, EA and DICE have finally announced Battlefield 1, which will be released later this year on consoles and PC. The general public hasn’t seen much of the game in action, but some Battlefield 1 gameplay has been shown behind closed doors, and new details on the game have managed to surface online.
Plenty of videos detailing the behind the scenes shown Battlefield 1 gameplay have surfaced online a few hours after the game has been revealed. According to these videos, Battlefield 1 will feature a huge old Battlefield styled map, plenty of Air combat, a new melee system and more. Details on the single player campaign have also surfaced online, with a more open feel that will make it feel different from the Battlefield 3 and 4 campaign.
If you cannot watch the videos at the moments, you can check out some recaps written by NeoGAF forums member Anton Sugar for the GameStop and Levelcap videos
  • Medic has syringe revives
  • One of the maps mentioned looks HUGE–old BF style
  • Gameplay trailer looked similar; reveal trailer really didn’t seem “facetious” in comparison (I think he meant fallacious/false?)
  • Air combat: dogfights, strafing runs, bombing runs–DICE wants there to be a lot of air options; you can sit in friend’s gunner seat while they do strafing/bombing runs or dogfight
  • You can control battleships; can demolish shoreline (ground deformation was mentioned in another description)
  • Horses will be best for scouting/flanking (like bikes)
  • Supposed to have a new melee system
  • Bayonet charge ability
  • Can likely use sabers
  • Support seem like they’ll have heavy machineguns
  • Seems like four classes will have weapons similar to what we’d expect
  • SP: more “open” campaign, make it feel like a “Battlefield” campaign as opposed to BF3/4 (he said it sounded more like Bad Company’s campaign)
  • Trying to make use of battlegrounds a lot of people don’t know about
  • Progression system wasn’t confirmed; neither was weapon customization
  • Didn’t find out if you can pilot the zeppelin/barrage, but it’s not just a part of the skybox; planes flying around it
  • Seems very close to completion
Mentions again that there is some kind of dedicated driver class for vehicles, related to how you spawn into them. Still not sure
D-Day style map (obviously not D-Day)
There are double-propeller planes, much larger planes than were shown
Clip of horses riding alongside a train–can you board from your horse?
Gas mask does reduce peripheral and also really changes the soundscape, too
Big emphasis on close quarters engagements and melee
Can get entire squad into tanks–sounds like tanks may be team-oriented vehicles
Really cool maps; one had train that ran through forest
Battlefield 1 launches on October 21st on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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