Friday 23 October 2015

Aaron Greenberg: “Halo 5 Is Being Made Exclusively for Xbox One”

Following 343’s Frank O’Connor’s statement regarding the possibility of Halo 5: Guardians coming to the PC, Marketing head Aaron Greenberg followed-up to clarify that the Development Director’s remark does not indicate a release on the PC platform. He specifies that Halo 5 is made exclusively for the Xbox One. 

Halo 5: Guardians remains an Xbox One exclusive, for now….

To be fair, O’Connor did state that he had nothing to announce, at present, which seemingly does give a glimpse of hope that in the future there could be an announcement of some sort, regarding either Halo 5: Guardians or more likely the Master Chief Collection. The latter being ported to the PC, using the latest engine iteration could be possible, if somewhat more costly to produce. Could be though, that it’s what the PC community needs to acknowledge Microsoft’s dedication to the platform.
Halo 5: Guardians
With Fable LegendsKiller InstinctGears of War: Ultimate Edition and Sea of Thieves already confirmed to be coming to Windows 10, things are starting to look pretty encouraging, and an announcement of the Master Chief Collection could be the icing on the cake. Forza Horizon 2 could also be a potential title making its way to the Windows 10 platform, leaving Forza Motorsport exclusively on the Xbox One for the near future.
We will bring you any new information from Microsoft, as well as Halo 5: Guardians as soon as it becomes available.

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