Monday 29 June 2015

Could the Next Battlefield be Set in the Future? ‘Battlefield 2143′ Screens Allegedly Leaked

Be forewarned, this is a completely unsubstantiated yet still quite exciting rumor. There is no reason to believe the legitimacy of the below photos. Regardless, it appears that an anonymous Redditor has posted some potato quality photos of a screen that are alleged to show the next installment in the Battlefield franchise.

Could we be going back to the future with Battlefield 2143?

The Battlefield series is going to continue, this we already know. But what direction the franchise is going to go in is unknown. Battlefield Hardline hasn’t exactly had the booming reception of Battlefield 3 or even 4, so it would make sense to try another approach based on one of the more popular titles.
There are really three directions they could go, one of which follows the plain Battlefield 5 branding that EA announced during their investors call. They could have been playing coy with the details by using a generic naming scheme there, however, and this might be a legitimate direction that EA and DICE want to go in.
But could we really be seeing a new futuristic Battlefield game? Possibly. The most likely scenario that comes to mind is the faking of these photos simply for attention. The second photo looks as if it’s pulled straight from Battlefield 2142 itself with a basic ground texture that isn’t anything like modern day Frostbite. It would be easy to photoshop in the logo and really not so hard to fake the landscape, that can’t be seen very well anyway.

There is a chance that this could be real, however. It’s possibly, though not probable, that this could be a concept being developed to present to management or even investors as a project seeking approval for funding. This, however, is not necessarily a likely scenario.
Battlefield 2142 wasn’t an immediate success in 2006, with a buggy release and in-game advertisements that didn’t quite sit well with consumers. Overall it felt as if it were a mod that wasn’t quite a complete game in it’s own right. But it still was a retail success and turned out to be a lot of fun to play.
I personally would love to see a continuation of what I thought was one of the best Battlefield games. 2142 had a lot of potential and there is a lot to explore in terms of gameplay. Modern Battlefield with a futuristic spin, but an actual more complete game would be great. But don’t hold your breath, this is all just a whisper on the wind, or perhaps a more vulgar term is appropriate.

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