Sunday 19 April 2015

Xenoblade Chronicles X Trailer Now With English Subtitles

Nintendo released a fantastic trailer for their upcoming Wii U exclusive, Xenoblade Chronicles X, a week ago. Unfortunately it was only in Japanese and thus those in North American and Europe couldn’t exactly fully understand the excitement therein. Thankfully a very kind YouTube user was able to do what Nintendo did not, and provide subtitles to explaining all the wonderful features of Xenoblade Chronicles X.

An incredible YouTube user was able to provide us with subtitles to the Xenoblade Chronicles X feature trailer.

YouTube user 許為傑 realized that the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise is very popular in non-Japanese speaking areas and has graciously translated and provided subtitles for us to enjoy. The video essentially shows the basic concept of Xenoblade Chronicles X as well as giving us a glimpse of how combat and exploration are handled. Of course the video is absolutely gorgeous, whether you speak Japanese or not.

For me this is actually the hardest video to translate…I’m finally done with all these videos. Phew……
It’s indeed strange that Nintendo neglected one of the larger markets available to it. Interest has generally been high for Xenoblade Chronicles X in particular and with JRPG’s in general. Kotaku interviewed a JRPG enthusiast who was responsible for many Japanese game ports in 2012, and it was revealed that the common concern that Japanese publishers seem to have had is that of retail acceptance, in that it’s difficult to convince North American or European retailers to stock games that aren’t necessarily of the majority. But with the proliferation of digital game markets, that argument is no longer valid. So perhaps some of the better examples will finally easily be released elsewhere in the world. There really is no excuse now.

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