Monday 20 April 2015

Phil Spencer Talks About E3 Plans; 1st Party Titles; Crackdown and Xbox/PC Cross-Play

Xbox Boss, Phil Spencer once again answered many of the questions from the fans, and talked about many subjects, including plans for E3.
Phil Spencer
Responding to a fan asking whether there will be DX12 games for Xbox at E3, he mentioned that they are still building their E3 plan and he can’t really talk about it. He mentioned that he will be reviewing E3 content review tomorrow, and he seems to be really excited about it.

With E3 and Gamescom being only five weeks apart they are planning both at the same time.

Spencer mentions that this year he is trying to make E3 more about first party titles than past E3s and that they should have a first party new exclusive IP to reveal at the event.

He mentions that he likes focusing on their own games and that is why this year might feel different from the past.

He goes on to mention that this year might be their best ever regarding first party content.

There will be plenty of third-party deals as well, but it’s really important to focus on delivering on the first party front.

There will also be some software related updates at E3.

Phil Spencer confirms that there will be more gameplay demonstrations at the show rather than CGI trailers.

Responding to a fan asking whether there will be more Xbox-PC Windows 10 games with cross-play announced and if there’s any chance of the next Gears on being on the PC, he states that there will be more cross-play for sure but no comment on Gears.

Nothing to announce in terms of JRPGs on the Xbox One, at the moment, but he wouldn’t say it’s a lost cause.

He mentions that Xbox will offer the chance to preorder games months before they release.

No information was given on Crackdown, but Spencer mentions that he is regularly grabbing the controller and playing the game as the developing team is right down the hall from his office, he seems to be particularly fond of the game.

The additional Games With Gold we received this month are a one-off thing, at least for now.

Halo 5 development appears to be going nicely and as Spencer indicates 343 Industries’ calling their release date early is a good sign.

Spencer states that the fact that Sony is getting most major marketing deals is not because of a lack of trying on Microsoft’s behalf but rather a choice on where to spend.

Phil Spencer teased a couple of new features coming in the next couple of months that “people will find interesting.”

It’s certainly exciting to see what Microsoft has in store for E3 2015, and with less than two months away, it’s a pretty exciting time for both Xbox and PC gamers.
We will bring you any new information from Microsoft as soon as it becomes available. E3 2015 will be held on June 16-18 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

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