Monday 13 April 2015

GTA V – Workaround to Crash and Launch Issues

GTA V released just a few hours ago for the PC, and several users have reported updates and server issues. Rockstar has released a statement in their support forums on a possible workaround.
The main issue most are experiencing is having trouble installing the game itself. The workaround will have to do until a patch arrives.

“We have identified an issue where players with Windows usernames that include characters not found in the table at the bottom of this page will likely run into difficulties when attempting to download, install, or play GTAV. We are currently working on a fix for this issue.
“If you don’t want to wait for a fix, you need to create a new Administrator User Account for your Windows system that only includes letters A to Z, a to z or numbers 0-9 from the basic roman alphabet. For a full list of supported characters, see the table at the bottom of this page. Please note that simply renaming your current User Account will not correct this issue. Once your new account is created (or if you already have an account that only uses these characters) we recommend you restart your PC and log in with that account before starting or continuing with the installation process. To create the account, follow these instructions from Microsoft’s website:

“We will update this support article with any new information as soon as we have it, including expected timing of a fix and whether you will be able to transfer progress on the newly-created Windows username over to your original Windows user account.”
Lets hope that the fix does the job for now until Rockstar addresses the issue. We will bring you any updates on the subject as soon as they become available. For more on GTA V on PC you can check out our previous coverage here and here.

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