Monday 13 April 2015

GTA V PC – “Rockstar Played PC Gamers for Fools”

GTA V for PC is releasing tomorrow April 13 in the US. Pacific Time will be getting it around 4pm while Eastern Time at 7pm. Recently some new information came to light surrounding earlier rumors regarding the PC version of GTA V.
In an interview with PC Gamer, Rockstar claimed that it was always going to bring GTA V to PC.
“We planned from day 1 for a PC build and we made technical decisions based off the fact that we would be doing a PC version of the game. While we started development of the PC version quite early, we decided to focus the bulk of our attention on the PS3 and XB360 versions first in order to push that as far as we possibly could.”
Rockstar had initially denied development of a PC version,
“For those asking about the PC platform, we’re currently focused on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game and don’t have any details to share about a PC version at this time.”
Rockstar’s Vice President, Dan Houser, told IGN back in 2012 that the PC version of GTA V was up for consideration.

Back in September 2013, DSOG reported that GTA V would support both DX11 and 64-bit operating systems, and work on a PC version was confirmed by Rockstar itself in its interview with PC Gamer.
“The process of bringing GTA 5 to PC was most similar to our last PC title, Max Payne 3. Our process of bringing titles to PC has evolved over the years. We knew that we would eventually create a PC version so early development was done in parallel with the console versions. In fact, some of the early preparations we made for PC, like 64 bit & DX11 support, paid off very handsomely when the PS4 and Xbox One architectures were announced.”

While GTA V is undoubtedly one of the best gaming experiences available for both the old-gen and current -gen consoles, and soon on PC, Rockstar has totally played us for fools. Denying the existence or the possibility of a PC version in order to promote the console versions was a move unbefitting a company like Rockstar. Taking the time to release a proper current-gen version and not just a remaster, though should be appreciated.
What are your thoughts on Rockstar’s behavior towards the PC community? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
GTA V for PC is releasing tomorrow April 13 in the US. Pacific Time will be getting it around 4pm while Eastern Time at 7pm. We will bring you any new information on GTA V as soon as it becomes available. Be sure to check out our previous coverage for a lot more information, here and here.

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