Friday 10 April 2015

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Game Director Reveals New Information

After the recent announcement of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for PS4, Xbox One and PC, many fans were left with questions and Game Director Jean-Francois Dugas provided more information on what we can expect from the game, on the Official PlayStation Blog post.
Deus Ex
He begins by explaining that not one particular ending from Human Revolution was canon,
The trailer gives us a good idea of what ending is (sort of) canon in terms of the last game climactic events.
That being said, all endings sport a bit of truth, rumors and whatnot that got spread around the world. So, in a way, the answer to the question is more complex than just identifying one official ending.
It’s important that the combat becomes as satisfying as the stealth approach, and balancing both so as everybody can enjoy regardless of their play-style.
DXHR and DXMD aren’t stealth nor combat games. They are what you want them to be. It has always been our goal to let you choose the way you want to approach things. And for me, it is important that combat becomes as satisfying as stealth can be. It’s a question of balancing both approaches in such way that everybody can have fun with the preferred play-style.
Newcomers will be fine with the new game, but experiencing Human Revolution is encouraged.
Our goal is to make the new game satisfying for those who played DXHR without alienating newcomers. The way we’re building the story, the world state, etc., you should have a very good understanding of what happened without having played it. However, if you really want the full deal, you should play HR. Apparently the game is fun ; )
Mankind Divided will not repeat Human Revolution’s Boss problems.
I already mentioned in the past that the reason why bosses weren’t what they could have been is not related to the fact they were outsourced.

The boss problems are due to many internal factors and in the end, I had to make tough decisions that didn’t go the way.
We did a way better job on the Missing Link and Mankind Divided won’t repeat Human Revolution’s fault on the subject.
Gameplay footage is coming, but now they’re focusing on the announcement and trailer.
For gameplay, it will happen eventually – now, the focus is on the announcement and the trailer. Like we like say: please, be excited! ; )

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