At the PC Cluster Consortium event held in Osaka, Japan, AMD shared its CPU and GPU roadmap for the next five years.
Next year, AMD plans to bring two new CPUs to the market. One of these will be based on the ARMv8 architecture while the other will be based on x86 AMD64 architecture. Both of these chipsets will be targeted at the server segment, so not much new for the consumer market from AMD next year. However, AMD did reveal that the ARMv8 based K12 as well as the x86 Zen cores will offer support for “many threads”. This points to simultaneous multi-threading on the new chips instead of clustered multi-threading that AMD currently uses on its Bulldozer processor line.
Now let’s talk about GPUs. AMD revealed that it will be following a two year cycle to update its GPU architecture inside APUs. The company didn’t reveal plans for its discrete GPU lineup, so the 2-year cycle will not apple to discrete Radeon GPUs.
AMD also plans to come up with a High Performance Computing APU or HPC with a TDP between 200 and 300 watts by the year 2017. These APUs will be targeted at HPC applications.