Friday 27 March 2015

3DMark API Overhead Feature Test – First DirectX 12 Application Test

Futuremark has released the first API Overhead test, by which PC users can measure performance differences between DirectX 12 , DirectX 11, AMD’s Mantle API, as well as the upcoming Khronos Group’s Vulkan API.
3DMark’s API Overhead Feature Test is available now in the latest version of 3DMark Advanced Edition and 3DMark Professional Edition.
3DMark (2)
Futuremark details the test as:
“The 3DMark API Overhead feature test measures API performance by making a steadily increasing number of draw calls. The result of the test is the maximum number of draw calls per second achieved by each API before the frame rate drops below 30 fps.”

Games make thousands of draw calls per frame, but each one creates performance-limiting overhead for the CPU. APIs with less overhead can handle more draw calls and produce richer visuals. The 3DMark API Overhead feature test is the world’s first independent test for comparing the performance of DirectX 12, Mantle, and DirectX 11. See how many draw calls your PC can handle with each API before the frame rate drops below 30 fps.
The application requires the most recent version of Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 10041 or later), 4DB of system memory, and DirectX feature level 11_0 compatible hardware with at least 1GB of graphics memory.

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